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3 Aspects For Optimizing Your Website Structure

Hey everyone, Adam here. Older brother at SEO Brothers. In today’s video we’re continuing our conversation about on-page optimization with a high level review of content silos and internal linking.

Properly structuring your content can be a real differentiator for your website’s visibility without ever having to acquire a link or build a citation. If you want a more detailed explanation on this topic, Bruce Clay has an excellent article on content silos that I will link to in the blog post.

In today’s video I’ll touch on the 3 aspects to keep in mind when structuring your website content.

Firstly, you’re going to need additional content that supports your services if you want to really set yourself apart.

Content is really important to SEO. Even if you aren’t committing to doing an ongoing content marketing effort, you need to make sure you have the content on your site that solves your searcher’s demand for information while researching your products or services. If a potential customer can’t find enough info to make a purchase decision, they are likely to go elsewhere instead.

Second, your website should be structured with a parent > children relationship into sections of relevant content, based on what you’ve created.

For example, if you offer both plumbing services and electrical services – two separate searcher intents and themes for your website – each of these sections on your website should start with top-level parent page on the solution or service, and additional supporting content that can only be found on your website when you are on that top level parent. These are typically either sub-service pages or supporting how-to related content.

Thirdly, you should only build internal links to relevant pieces of content.

The idea here is that when Google is on a piece of content, the other content it finds is very relevant, which will only help its visibility.

So your supporting content can all link to each other and back to the parent within a section, but you shouldn’t break relevance of a page by linking out to a non-relevant page, so your how to fix a leaky toilet page shouldn’t link to how to wire a light switch – as they are not relevant services.

I want to highlight that even if you aren’t blogging, it’s still possible to identify and create a handful of highly relevant and highly searched for content that will support the visibility of your primary service offerings.

However, if you do blog, you can either adapt this website structure for your blog with properly setup category pages, or you can simply use your blog to feed relevance back into your core content.

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Adam Bate

Adam is the older brothers here at SEO Brothers. While he is not deep diving into optimizing websites, he's hanging out with his wife and three children in beautiful Nova Scotia, Canada.

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